Juliet Silverton

BEP Director of School Improvement

Juliet is the Director of School Improvement at BEP and has worked in education across the West Midlands for over 30 years. She started her career in Alum Rock as an NQT and gained her first headship in Birmingham before moving to a second in Sandwell and then a third Coventry. Following on from headship, Juliet led School Improvement across Primary, Secondary and Special Coventry Schools for the LA, before moving to Oasis Community Learning to lead 8 Midlands academies within the Trust.

She is also a governor for a Diocesan Trust in the East Midlands.

Throughout her career her passion has been for school improvement, particularly in challenging situations, with a focus on strengthening and developing leadership. She is an advocate for school to school support and enjoys networking and partnership working. She has also experienced successful system leadership within large organisations and has been fortunate to work with and learn from some amazing colleagues.

From her leadership experiences she has developed a passion for supporting leaders and is particularly interested in how coaching supports school improvement.

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